The index of recommended promotion, advertising and marketing resources (linked listings to a variety of marketing resources, as well as recommended directory and search engine listing resources that are G-rated and intended as safe viewing for the general public).
Add URL Engine
Add your URL to multiple directories from a single resource web directory. Provided by a small directory network of partners willing to add new resources to their database in order to provide users with the best information and search results possible. Because there are just way too many web directories out there and you might not otherwise submit to theirs until they are bigger and more important (and have more influence).
Ad Working
Advertising in the era of new media. Online advertising is quite different from traditional advertising. Although the principle is basically the same, new technologies offer certain advantages in targeting potential sales with relevant searches. Usually any business should not drop traditional advertising and marketing, but compliment it by utilizing the new online medias. Still, to do this requires some knowledge, and this is where Ad Working comes to the assistance of small to medium sized businesses looking to expand their market.
Heavy Duty Web Search
The well-known online advertising corporation is the online marketing and advertising behemoth. This is mostly due to securing the internet online search as a platform. The issue with this is that if you qualify unsolicited advertising as spam, Google itself is a spam giant. It built its search engine as a platform to advertise. So entrusting Google as a web spam authority seems a conflict in interest. Yet with 75% of all of internet searches going through Google, Google is very much in charge of search. That said, Google is also being a lot nicer about their platform authority than Microsoft was when it was in charge of the computer OS and the majority of tools for the platform and chose to bully businesses on the platform in the late 70's, 80's and 90's. Now, of course, Google has its hands in a massive amount of things, and some of these are great things that give back to the online community. Nevertheless, it is the behemoth that sets the rules for search and does command respect.
Microsoft is extremely serious about making the Windows platform a viable opportunity for search with Bing. And just as with other search engines, Bing search is simply a platform for Bing advertising and marketing. But now Bing has enlisted Yahoo! to serve its search and ads, giving it some serious play.
Hyperlink Directory
Not a link directory, but a web directory of hyperlinked listings showcasing good quality family friendly and kid safe websites.
Dreadnought Web Directory
Dreadnought Web Directory is a manually edited web directory on static html pages designed to allow the author the ability to recommend websites and specific web pages based on his own experiences as a domainer, web designer, webmaster, site developer, search optimizer, online marketer, artist, illustrator, graphic designer, cartoonist, blogger, author, computer user, mobile device enthusiast, human being, father, football fan, racing enthusiast, motorcyclist, gearhead and more. Although the lack of automation slows the build of the directory, only authentically valuable sites are listed and the quality of simplistic but defined styling within the descriptions is not hampered.
Dex Dir
DexDirTM is an index of directories (or a directory index). Others may refer to DexDirTM as a directory of directories or an index of indices. However you would describe it, DexDirTM provides valuable information to a regional list of directories catagorized by it's hosting country.
Auto and Truck
Niche web directory listing automotive, trucking and/or motorcycling related resources and information websites.
Professional Hosting for South Dakota
Professional hosting for South Dakota includes services such as domain name registration and transfers, dedicated and virtual server environments, 24/7 technical support with friendly customer assistance and more...
W3 Host Info and Directory
Worldwide web hosting and webmastering resources and information directory. Valuable web hosting or webmastering sites are encouraged to exchange links (no paid listing options are available). Websites must be quality family friendly resources in a web hosting or web mastering related field such as web designers, site design tutorials, graphic arts software, site/app developers, brand builders, scripting sites, web application/tool coders, hosts, NOCs, content copy writers, search optimizers, online marketers, search engines, web directories, webmastering tools, and many more such related resources are already listed. Reciprocate links today! General Directory Index Website Home Page
Our website hyperlinked listings pages are intended only for useful resources. Feel free to report any listing you find that is not helpful or as offensive, contact Doug Peters.
Many of the resource and information sites listed on this page are intended to be helpful for online professionals because that is my experience.
Copyright MMXII - MMXX, all rights reserved worldwide.
TNT Parking
Free domain parking with content management.