Logo (Small) Socialization Resources List

The index of recommended social networking sites & media sharing resources (direct linked listings to a variety of socialization resources that are G-rated and intended as safe viewing for the general public).


Social Networks

Connect online with your real-life friends. Share your status, photos, video, interests and life updates. Archive your life. One word of caution though, Facebook is working on enhanced face recognition software. Anonymity is nearly impossible. Although that is the point of being able to connect, this is a public corporation now and big brother is watching.

Twitter isn't new anymore, but many people are still just discovering, or rediscovering it. Twitter is social blogging at 140 characters per post. This limit allows Twitter to support the SMS format on cell phones and the like. Each post can then be seen by the general public, but is particularly shared with your online followers. A whole industry of websites and utilities have sprung-up around the tweeting theme.

One of the largest internet portal sites on the web. Originally Yahoo started as a directory service and expanded its offerings to news posts, chat groups and email lists (and beyond) from there.

The behemuth wants in on the Social Networking action as well, and with how tightly Google+ is integrated into the Google membership platform, there really is no avoiding it anymore.

Google Groups
Use the groups to discuss shared interest topics online or through email. Create your own group(s) and customize it/them to support your interest(s). Or setup a group just to archive an online forum. Although the administration is simple and sometimes quite slow during peak search periods, it does work and it's a free service.

Social Media

Browse or search the enormous catalog of videos online for info, tutorials, or just plain funny videos. Create your own videos starring You and upload them to share with friends, or the world. Become a YouTube star. High-Definition video media is supported.

Photobucket makes it easy to share your photos and videos anywhere. It's the place to store, create, and share your photos and videos online for life. Archive your photo album so that nothing will ever destroy them. Order prints anytime. Snapbucket is the easiest way to edit your photos with your phone.

Share your photography with friends. Create slideshows to share. Find stock art and photography that users are sharing with the world.

Organize, edit, and share your photos with Picasa and Google+.

Social Networking Tools

W3N.US: WorldWide Web Network URL Shortener
A very simple and effective tool to create short URLs. Sometimes long URLs will barely fit in a 140 character SMS or Twitter message. This tool takes a long URL string (such as found in blogs, search engines, deep links, corporate content management systems and on systems such as Facebook) into short URLs which can then be tracked for traffic (add a plus sign + to the short URL to view its stats). Custom keyword and vanity URLs are also possible. W3N.US supports the western alphanumeric character set.

TweetDeck is one of the most popular multi-account twitter application platforms available and it's available on a wide variety of supported platforms. Brought to you by Twitter.

Twidrops: Twitter Backdrops/Backgrounds
Twitter profile page themes, scenic backdrops and repeating tile background patterns and textures.


Social Bookmarking

Digg is a place for people to discover and share content from anywhere on the web. From the biggest online destinations to the most obscure blog, Digg surfaces the best stuff as voted on by the Digg community.

Delicious helps you find cool stuff and collect it for easy sharing. Dig into stacks created by the community, and then build your own.

Pinterest is an online pinboard. Organize and share things you love.

Explore new and interesting things from every corner of the Web. Multiple platforms and devices supported.

See Also: Webmastering & Optimization for More Website Resident Social Networking Tools & Utilities General Directory Index Website Home Page

Our website hyperlinked listings pages are intended only for useful resources. Feel free to report any listing you find that is not helpful or as offensive, contact Doug Peters.

Many of the resource and information sites listed on this page are intended to be helpful for online professionals because that is my experience. Logo (Small)
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